The QCSL Indoor World Cup Soccer League was inaugurated in 1994. It was developed from an idea to create a league that would attract the interest of soccer fans as well as players to compete at the highest level of competition while representing their ethnic countries of origin during the winter months in a "World Cup" theme and atmosphere. The level of play and spectator interest and support is unmatched in any league ever developed in Quebec.
La ligue de soccer de la Coupe du Monde QCSL a �t� inaugur�e en 1994. Elle a �t� cr�e dans le but de former une ligue qui plairait autant aux joueurs qu�aux spectateurs et qui permettrait aux athl�tes d��voluer au plus haut niveau possible, au cours de l�hiver, tout en repr�sentant leur pays d�origine sous le th�me et l�atmosph�re de la � Coupe du Monde �. Le calibre de jeu et l�int�r�t des spectateurs sont in�gal�s au Qu�bec.
FIFRA is the international governing body of Indoor Soccer/Arena Soccer (played with boards)
Head office: Based in Mexico
President:: Alejandro Burillo (Mexico)
Executive President: Sergio Del Rio (Mexico)
Vice President : Kevin Milliken (United States)
General Secretary: Alfredo Maccise Saade (Mexico)
International Events Director: Christian Pr�vost (Canada)
Team Canada Technical Director: John Stellato
Quebec Calcetto Soccer Leagues
Officially Recognized and Exclusively Sanctioned by FIFRA for the Province of Quebec
President and Director of QCSL: John Stellato
Countries with �national teams� currently recognized and participating in international FIFRA sanctioned events:
Argentina |
Australia |
Austria |
Brazil |
Canada |
Colombia |
Costa Rica |
Ecuador |
El Salvador |
France |
Germany |
Guatemala |
Honduras |
Iran |
Mexico |
Morocco |
Netherlands |
Panama |
Paraguay |
Portugal |
South Africa |
Spain |
Switzerland |
Uruguay |
United Kingdom |
United States |
United Arab Emirates |